Cut the Rope

The kid on your screen is ready for an epic candy battle. He has already learned to keep his ears open, which he will try to teach you. He gets out of the box in order to go hunting for his favorite sweets.

Do not deprive him of the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful cupcake in the company of lollipops. You will have to try hard to cut all the ropes and feed your little monster. When you see the joy in the eyes of little Om Nom, you won’t be able to stop.

How many lollipops can fit in it?

Cut the Rope is the story of that sweet tooth who wants to stuff as many sweets as possible into his cheeks. Level after level, he will go to new challenges and puzzles in order to get what he wants. Your main task is to become his guide and help solve all the logic puzzles.

At what angle will the candy fall, will it fall exactly into the monster’s mouth, will it not fall into the abyss? You need to find answers to all these questions. Play with full dedication, and then your friend will thank you in full and lead you to new levels.

Each time, cutting the ropes will become more and more difficult. In return, you will get fantastic emotions from achieving your goals and go on a trip with your friend. The different seasons of the game that the developers offer their users is another bonus. You will be able to share holidays and travels with him. Om Nom will put on symbolic outfits that will plunge you into the cozy atmosphere of the place where you find yourself.

Bonus tasks and additional tricks

If you get a chance to open an extra box and pass the challenge, play as hard as you can to get bonus stars. Then a whole map of possibilities will open before you. You can always return to classic levels. But while there is an opportunity to diversify your exciting entertainment with a monster – use this opportunity.

Cut the Rope is addictive. Once you start, you can’t stop. It’s a sporting interest and candy chase that leads you to more skillful challenges. How many attempts you use to complete the level depends on your attentiveness and intelligence. Train your brain and expand its capabilities to the maximum.

Only the most courageous will have to find out whether Om Nom will find sweet peace or remain just as insatiable in the end. When you are ready to take a risk – do it without hesitation, because the risk can be justified. What if your ingenuity will help you cope with the rope the first time? There will be no limit to your excitement then.

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