Who Is The Joker?

The famous villain has disguised himself and now you have to figure him out among schoolchildren. He chose the most suitable place to get lost among the crowd.

A lot of students, each of whom runs about his own business. But Who Is The Joker? Follow the criminal to the school and find clues that will give you the information you need.

You fit the role of a real detective. Move from clue to clue to understand what signs or inherent characteristics are inherent in our fugitive. Do not confuse the simple guys that the villain copies with a real slob. He is cunning and smart, which makes the investigation process more fun for users.

Walk along the corridors of the school, open different classes. Suddenly there is something else that you did not find from the first search. Pay attention to every little thing. After all, it is with their help that you will come to a solution and catch a real criminal who is famous throughout the world for his notoriety.

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