Exit Car

Have you ever found yourself in a crowded parking lot? And how do you like this life experience? Did you manage to find a passage for your car the first time? Practice backing up and finding the best parking space with this game. She will teach you how to move vehicles.

Logical steps and simple manipulations – and voila. You become the owner of additional points, many new levels and new emotions. Are you ready to take the risk and find your place in the sun in a crowded parking lot? Move the bus right or left. Well, or at worst, leave it in place and move another car. It’s like tags, only with transport.

Follow the instructions and take step by step to free your car from the captivity of others. They seem to have specially surrounded your transport so that you stay longer in this place. When your patience comes to an end and you are ready to do anything to leave this parking lot – this is where your adventure will begin. Manage not only cars, but also emotions. Learn patience and hard work.

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